Triumphs Grade3

4.0 ( 0 ratings )
Ensino Livros
Developer: Yanadoo Corp.

McGRAW-Hill is a global leading publisher of pre-K, elementary reading, math, and science program in the U.S. McGRAW-Hill’s products are used in more than 13,000 U.S. schools and districts and in 80 foreign countries.

Reading Triumphs is Intensive Intervention program, the best text book for stduent learning English as a Second Language and it is use in many of recognized English Kindergarten in Korea.

Each grade covers a variety of topics and subjects such as science, social studies, history that offers students to enhance English-language and critical thinking skills.

Multiple practices of reading non-fiction or fiction story enhance reading comprehension skills.
Digital format offers extra functions of recording and listening, writing and extra interactive functions to maximize student’s interests of learning English.

◆ Universal app : can be used both in Phone and Pad with a single purchase.
◆ App inquiry : for payment error and problems pertaining to app ([email protected])
◆◆Notice from Bluepin◆◆
Greetings! As the manager of Bluepin, I’d like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has shown interest and support to our apps.
Usually, customers post their inquiries regarding app usage in a form of a review, and our only means of responding to such an inquiry was replying to those review. However, due to technical problems in posting our responses or delay, customer support was not provided in a timely manner.
To better serve our customers, we have opened the Bluepin Customer Support Center to process our customer inquiries as quickly and efficiently as possible. Please contact [email protected] for inquiries and problems pertaining to apps. When contacting customer support, please read the following for quicker response to your inquiry.
(1) Contacting customer support by phone
-To send an inquiry from your device, go to your phone app’s info and select [email protected].
(2) Contacting customer support by internet
- For online inquiry, please include store of purchase, name of purchased app, device in use, and the OS version for faster response.
Thank you.